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Featured Suppliers

Don is a new range of copper-free brake pads and matching discs. From TMD friction, the world leaders in brake friction, DON Brakes are engineered to provide braking you rely on, at a very sinsible price

Tested and manufactured for consistent quality, DON means that workshops can handle everyday brake servicing efficiently and profitably.

Mintex – a reputation for quality brakes that goes back to the very beginnings of the automotive industry.

The Mintex brand has consistently demonstrated a commitment to ongoing product development – a philosophy that exists to this day and helps Mintex to stay ahead of the competition.

BETTAPARTS is a leading independent distributor of Automotive components to the Motor Trade in the UK.

The next significant brand acquisition was that of ABTEX range Brake Pads and Shoes in the mid ’90s. Most recently the company can proudly boast the sole distribution rights to the LPB brand of automotive components which is among the fastest growing Brake Disc names in the UK.


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